Your journey will begin with a free, no obligation consultation to discuss your skin concerns. This allows me to understand your ultimate skin goals and expectations.
I’ll follow this with a Skin Analysis, to take an in depth look at your skin to establish your skin classification. Once we have agreed on a personally tailored treatment programme for you, I will get you booked in for your first appointment.
Client satisfaction is very important to me
My tranquil boutique skin treatment studio

Ready to book your free expert consultation?
Alternatively if you would like any more information please get in touch using the form below.
07979 652460
High Street
Kingston Blount
OX39 4SJ
A fully refundable DEPOSIT of £25 will taken to secure your booking. Your appointments are important to me, and I strive to provide the best service possible. To ensure efficient scheduling and accommodate all my clients effectively, I kindly request that you provide a minimum of 24 hours notice if you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment. This allows me to offer the time slot to another client who may be in need of my services. Please read the Terms & Conditions for more information.